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Replacing Multiple Board Members


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On 2/24/2022 at 7:07 PM, Atul Kapur said:

Is this the same situation that was raised here?

Replacing multiple officers - General Discussion - The Official RONR Q & A Forums (forumflash.com)

By the way, VP is a well-known abbreviation but ALF sounds unique to your own organization and I, for one, don't recognize it.

I'm sorry.  Assisted Living Facility...ALF. THE 1st VP can no longer drive and said she could not make the Board meetings prior to the meeting.  At present,  the 2nd VP has been conducting meetings. I am 3rd VP. Officers serve 2- year terms.  

So,  2 elected officers have never come to Board meetings.  The president took a leave until the issue is resolved,  the 1st VP cannot assume duties.  How much time should be allowed before changes should be made?

We are a small,  non-profit club. 

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On 2/24/2022 at 8:27 PM, Ange said:

So,  2 elected officers have never come to Board meetings.  The president took a leave until the issue is resolved,  the 1st VP cannot assume duties.  How much time should be allowed before changes should be made?

That is up to the judgement of the club. @Gary Novosielski answer above is reasonable.

But to answer your original question: 

On 2/24/2022 at 7:46 PM, Ange said:

What is the appropriate way for the Board to move forward?

You will need to answer @Josh Martin's questions from the other thread




We lack sufficient facts to answer this question. Please answer the following:

  • Have any of these officers submitted resignations?
  • What, if anything, do your bylaws say on the subject of removing officers?
  • What is the exact wording your bylaws use to define the term of office?
  • What, if anything, do your bylaws say on the subject of filling vacancies?
  • Who elects the officers? The board or the membership?


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On 2/24/2022 at 7:57 PM, Ange said:

I'm thankful to see this response.  

A nominating committee presents the slate of officers.  *Club elects. 

*All officers are required to be present at all meetings of the Board of Directors as well as the general meetings of the club. (Bylaws)

*No officers have resigned. 

*Resignation must be made in writing to the Board per bylaws. 

*Bylaws state that the president shall fill vacancies of elected,  unexpired terms. 

On 2/24/2022 at 7:27 PM, Ange said:

I'm sorry.  Assisted Living Facility...ALF. THE 1st VP can no longer drive and said she could not make the Board meetings prior to the meeting.  At present,  the 2nd VP has been conducting meetings. I am 3rd VP. Officers serve 2- year terms.  

So,  2 elected officers have never come to Board meetings.  The president took a leave until the issue is resolved,  the 1st VP cannot assume duties.  How much time should be allowed before changes should be made?

We are a small,  non-profit club. 

Well, if you anticipate the officers will cooperate and resign, then the path forward is clear. The steps would be as follows:

  • The board members in question (and the First Vice President, who is unable to perform the duties of the office) would submit their resignations.
  • The Second Vice President would automatically become President and the Third Vice President would become First Vice President.
  • The new President would fill the vacancies in the offices of Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Historian.

If you anticipate the officers will not resign, I still need the answers to these two questions to know the proper procedures for removal.

  • What, if anything, do your bylaws say on the subject of removing officers?
  • What is the exact wording your bylaws use to define the term of office? That is, do they say, for example, "Officers shall serve for a term of two years" or "Officers shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected."?
Edited by Josh Martin
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I tried to attach a copy of the small section of the bylaws. Oh, well.

*"President shall fill any vacancies of elected officers due to unexpired terms."

*"All officers are required to be present at each meeting of the Board of Directors as well as the general meetings of the club."

*"All resignations shall be presented in writing to the Board of Directors."

*"...she (the president) shall uphold the club's bylaws..."

Until I became District Director,  I was unfamiliar with RROO. The State President emphasized the necessity of filtering RROO to the new Directors.

I don't see that I have any authority,  nor do I want it, to resolve the 4 positions.  I do,  however,  want the club to move forward, and I want to support the 2nd VP to do what she needs to do.  

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On 2/25/2022 at 7:54 AM, Ange said:

I tried to attach a copy of the small section of the bylaws. Oh, well.

*"President shall fill any vacancies of elected officers due to unexpired terms."

*"All officers are required to be present at each meeting of the Board of Directors as well as the general meetings of the club."

*"All resignations shall be presented in writing to the Board of Directors."

*"...she (the president) shall uphold the club's bylaws..."

Until I became District Director,  I was unfamiliar with RROO. The State President emphasized the necessity of filtering RROO to the new Directors.

I don't see that I have any authority,  nor do I want it, to resolve the 4 positions.  I do,  however,  want the club to move forward, and I want to support the 2nd VP to do what she needs to do.  

My latest response is in your other thread on this same subject.

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