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Where is this stated in the 11th edition? Special Meeting's minutes, debates, motions, votes.


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First, the 11th edition was retired in August 2020. The 12th edition is the current edition. Look at §9 (of either edition) for  information about Special Meetings (pages 91-93 of the 11th). You may want to read that then come back if you have more specific questions.

Because you mentioned minutes, I want to specify that special meetings only deal with the business specified in the call for the special meeting. This does not include reading and approving minutes of the previous meeting, unless that was specified in the call.  However, minutes of the special meeting are taken and approved at the next regular meeting. 

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Thank you Mr. Kapur.  I have read pages 91-93, but they do not state that business is conducted in the same manner as a regular meeting.  Where can I find, in either the 11th or 12th edition that motions, debate, votes and minutes occur in a Special meeting.  I realize about not approving minutes from a previous meeting.  Thank you.

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On 3/25/2022 at 7:05 PM, MayIask said:

Thank you Mr. Kapur.  I have read pages 91-93, but they do not state that business is conducted in the same manner as a regular meeting.  Where can I find, in either the 11th or 12th edition that motions, debate, votes and minutes occur in a Special meeting.  I realize about not approving minutes from a previous meeting.  Thank you.

Well, the order of business is  not the same as in a regular meeting.  There will typically be no reading and approval of minutes, officer's reports, unfinished business, and other headings of the standard order of business.

The only business in order is that which is specifically described in the call of the meeting.

But apart from that, conducting business is the same in all meetings.  Nothing changes about the actual making of motions, handling debate, amending, postponing, referring to a committee or simply voting to adopt or reject a question.

No, it does not say that business is conducted in the same way as in regular meetings, because there's no reason to assume otherwise.  Business is business.

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Thank you Mr. Novosielski.  Those are the clarifications that I was looking for.  I don't know how to convince someone that motions, debate, votes and minutes occur, because they are adamant that that is not accurate and would not tolerate them at our Special meeting.  Perhaps that is a question for a different forum....  Thank you.

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You may tell them that it's the dumbest thing I've heard all week, but I doubt that would do you much good.

Ask them to point out the page where RONR says that the normal method of considering a question would be any different in a special meeting.


They won't be able to support their nutty assertion with anything anywhere in RONR.

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On 3/25/2022 at 7:42 PM, MayIask said:

Thank you Mr. Novosielski.  Those are the clarifications that I was looking for.  I don't know how to convince someone that motions, debate, votes and minutes occur, because they are adamant that that is not accurate and would not tolerate them at our Special meeting.  Perhaps that is a question for a different forum....  Thank you.

"A special meeting (or called meeting) is a separate session of a society held at a time different from that of any regular meeting, and convened only to consider one or more items of business specified in the call of the meeting. Notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting, clearly and specifically describing the subject matter of the motions or items of business to be brought up, must be sent to all members a reasonable number of days in advance. The reason for special meetings is to deal with matters that may arise between regular meetings and that require action by the society before the next regular meeting, or to dedicate an entire session to one or more particular matters." RONR (12th ed.) 9:13

I don't quite know how a member would intend to "consider one or more items of business" or to take "action... before the next regular meeting" except by using the ordinary process of "motions, debate, votes and minutes."

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"The only business that can be transacted at a special meeting is that which has been specified in the call of the meeting. This rule, however, does not preclude the consideration of privileged motions, or of any subsidiary, incidental, or other motions that may arise in connection with the transaction of such business or the conduct of the meeting." (RONR (12th ed.) 9:15)

"Although the call of a special meeting must state the purpose of the meeting, it need not give the exact content of individual motions that will be considered. When a main motion related to business specified in the call of a special meeting is pending, it is as fully open to germane amendment as if it had been moved at a regular meeting." (9:16)

"When a member has been assigned to offer a motion which a special meeting was called to consider, or an important prearranged main motion at any meeting, that member is entitled to prior recognition and no other members are permitted to intervene in an effort to offer another motion in competition." (42:13(1))

"In an organization that holds regular meetings at frequent intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly, the minutes of each regular or special meeting are normally read and approved at the beginning of the next regular meeting, immediately after the call to order and any opening ceremonies. A special meeting does not approve minutes of a previous session unless the meeting was called for that purpose, which is not ordinarily the case. In a session lasting longer than one day, the minutes of meetings held the preceding day are read and approved at the beginning of each day's business after the first." (48:9)

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