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How to note an amended bylaw


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When any existing article or section of the bylaws is amended, should some sort of notification be noted in the bylaws themselves?

Is there a proper way to note, by possibly noting a date in the margins when that change was made or is there some other preferred method?

If some sort of notification is desirable, should a brand new article or section that didn't previously exist be noted?

A date would at least identify when the amendment was made and you could go back to those meeting minutes when the amendments were made, or is none of the above necessary?.

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I agree that is unnecessary. All that us necessary is the date it was most recently amended (on the cover page or as a footnote on every page). This helps people to recognize if they have the current version.

I have seen some that list on the cover page the date of every time they were amended. I think that's overkill.

The date should be more than enough for the rare occasion when someone needs to verify against the minutes that an amendment was correctly incorporated into the current version.

What you're describing is a lot of work for an incredibly uncommon need and I agree is not necessary and would outweigh the fact that it would make the bylaws more difficult to read.

I've only seen the kind of make-work project you describe done with legislation.

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