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Non voting Board Members

Guest Tammy

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More information as to the exact nature of this "non voting member" would be helpful.  What, EXACTLY, do the bylaws say about his or her status and rights?   The answer may depend more on what your bylaws say than on what RONR says.  

With additional information, we can provide you with a better and more complete answer.


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On 9/21/2022 at 4:13 PM, Guest Tammy said:

Can a non voting member of a board make or second motions that are being presented?

As Mr. Brown points out, RONR will have little to say on this subject directly.

In RONR, assemblies have only one kind of member, which is called a member.  Members have the right to attend meetings, make and second motions, participate in debate, and vote.  So any distinctions regarding classes of membership, and what rights those classes have or don't have must be found elsewhere--i.e., in your bylaws.

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