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Recording abstentions


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Not according to the rules in RONR, but if your board wants to have these abstentions routinely recorded, it can adopt a special rule of order to do so. Adoption of a special rule of order requires previous notice and a 2/3 vote. But how big is your board? If it has more than about a dozen members regularly in attendance then your president is doing the right thing (at least in most cases). In larger assemblies the chair (I'm assuming your president chairs your board meetings) doesn't vote unless the vote is by ballot or if the chair's vote will make a difference in the outcome. If the board has about no more than about a dozen members regularly attending, the chair may vote along with every one else on all matters.

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On 10/22/2022 at 3:10 PM, RMBurnett said:

I realize abstentions don't count in a vote, but we have a board president whose policy is to never vote at all, and it gives the appearance of an unwillingness to take a position on issues.  Can the record somehow show these routine abstentions?

If the board president wishes to maintain an appearance of impartiality by not voting when one more vote would not matter, there's nothing wrong with that.  Taking a position on every issue is not necessarily compatible with moderating discussions, especially when the issues are contentious.

In my experience, getting someone on the record for every issue issue is often the aim of that someone's political adversaries.  If the rules in RONR apply, a roll call vote should accomplish the recording of how everyone voted.  So you can record the abstentions, but you still can't force someone to take a position.

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On 10/22/2022 at 7:00 PM, Gary Novosielski said:

If the board president wishes to maintain an appearance of impartiality by not voting when one more vote would not matter, there's nothing wrong with that.  Taking a position on every issue is not necessarily compatible with moderating discussions, especially when the issues are contentious.

In my experience, getting someone on the record for every issue issue is often the aim of that someone's political adversaries.  If the rules in RONR apply, a roll call vote should accomplish the recording of how everyone voted.  So you can record the abstentions, but you still can't force someone to take a position.

Thank you.

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On 10/22/2022 at 2:10 PM, RMBurnett said:

I realize abstentions don't count in a vote, but we have a board president whose policy is to never vote at all, and it gives the appearance of an unwillingness to take a position on issues.  Can the record somehow show these routine abstentions?

I concur with Mr. Novosielski that to the extent the board wishes to do this (which I leave to the board's discretion), the best method is to order a roll call vote, so that there is a record of how all board members voted (or not), rather than singling out the abstentions from the President.

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