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failed motion

Guest ttraider88

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Last night at our monthly booster meeting, a motion was put on the floor to vote out the President. The membership voted it down (needed 2/3).  Can this motion continued to be put on the floor in future?  Or is this the memberships final say?

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Unless your bylaws or special rules of order say otherwise, under RONR, the motion can be re-raised at a later "session." A session is one or more meetings devoted to a particular agenda or order of business. (RONR 8:1-2). For many societies with regular meetings, each regular meeting constitutes its own discrete session. One session cannot put a question beyond a later session, without adopting a bylaw or special rule of order to that effect. (RONR 8:12). So a motion that is defeated at one session may generally be renewed at a later session. 


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On 3/8/2023 at 7:57 PM, Guest ttraider88 said:

Last night at our monthly booster meeting, a motion was put on the floor to vote out the President. The membership voted it down (needed 2/3).  Can this motion continued to be put on the floor in future?  Or is this the memberships final say?

This may depend at least in part on your own rules, but per the rules in  RONR, assuming the motion to remove the president is in order, it may be renewed (made again) at future meetings.  I will point out, however, that a motion to "remove the president" may not be in order.  I suggest you start with FAQ #20 on the main website and then study section 62 in RONR (12th ed.) to determine if that is the proper process.  It might not be.  Here is a link to FAQ #20.  Scroll down to the last one: https://robertsrules.com/frequently-asked-questions/

Edited to add:  Note:  §62 of RONR is the section on "Removal from office and other remedies for dereliction of duty in office or misconduct".

Edited by Richard Brown
Added last paragraph
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