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Past President

Guest Jim Malloy

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It depends on the exact wording in your bylaws regarding the position.

It is true that, once the president's resignation is accepted, that person is now the immediate past-president (IPP). In some organizations that would be enough to "push out" the previous IPP from the designated seat on the executive board. Other organizations have other constraints, such as requiring the president to serve their full term before being eligible to occupy the Past-President seat.

If you share the relevant portions of your bylaws, you may get a more specific response. 

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On 10/18/2023 at 10:52 AM, Guest Jim Malloy said:

When the president steps down because of majority ruling he does not like, does he automatically become past president and get to remain on the board of directors. If that happens the current past president would be removed.

That agrees with my understanding of the term "past president".  But there are no rules concerning past presidents (immediate or otherwise) in RONR, so that is presumably something that the drafters of your bylaws saw fit to include.  How did they phrase it, exactly?

You have identified one of the drawbacks of such a rule, which is one of the reasons that many of the regulars here recommend against this practice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello accordeing to robert rules of order if a president and vice president steps down in the middle of there term are they allowed to run again when a new term comes up?

alos can one person be nominated for multiple positions and he accept more than one?

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On 11/6/2023 at 2:27 PM, Guest PRESIDENT RE ELECT said:

Hello accordeing to robert rules of order if a president and vice president steps down in the middle of there term are they allowed to run again when a new term comes up?



On 11/6/2023 at 2:27 PM, Guest PRESIDENT RE ELECT said:

alos can one person be nominated for multiple positions and he accept more than one?

If the rules do not prohibit serving in more than one office, yes. But note that if elected on the same ballot, he can only accept one, but can then run in the election for the one he did not accept.

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