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Closing comments on a motion

Guest Henry Kriegel

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On 10/29/2023 at 12:56 PM, Guest Henry Kriegel said:

Prior to voting on a motion, in legislative bodies, the legislator who submitted the motion gets to offer closing comments. Does Roberts Rules of Order allow for that with non-profit Boards or Councils?


Under the rules of RONR, members may speak no more than twice in debate on a given question, and for no more than ten minutes per speech.   The mover has the right to claim the floor first.  No member may make a second speech until all members who desire to make a first speech have done so.

These general rules may by modified as needed by the motion to Limit or Extend the Limits of Debate [RONR (12th ed.) §15]

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On 10/29/2023 at 12:56 PM, Guest Henry Kriegel said:

in legislative bodies, the legislator who submitted the motion gets to offer closing comments

This is the case in many legislative bodies, but is not universal.

Your organization is free to adopt a special rule to allow for this. If you do, I suggest that you specify in the rule whether this "right of reply" still applies even after the previous question has been ordered or if calling the question overrides that opportunity. 

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