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Who can run the monthly meeting

Guest Daniel D

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Officer line up: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure then Board Members.

The President term has expire. No Election were held (president decide at the Annual Meeting  to pospone elections for 3 months).  At our next monthly meeting, if the Vice President is not there.  

My question is who would be in line to run the meeting.

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On 12/22/2023 at 3:58 PM, Guest Daniel D said:

Officer line up: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure then Board Members.

The President term has expire. No Election were held (president decide at the Annual Meeting  to pospone elections for 3 months).  At our next monthly meeting, if the Vice President is not there.  

My question is who would be in line to run the meeting.

You appear to have asked this same question previously.

We still need to know what exactly the bylaws say concerning the term of office in order to answer this question. Depending on the wording of the bylaws, the President may not continue in office, notwithstanding that the President's term has expired.

If the bylaws provide, for example, that officers shall serve "for a two year term," period. then when the President's term expires, the position would become vacant. When the position of President becomes vacant, the Vice President automatically becomes President to fill the vacancy, unless the bylaws specifically provide otherwise. (Assuming, of course, that the Vice President's term has not also expired.) So in this event, the former Vice President (now President) would preside.

If the new President is absent (or if the Vice President's term had also expired, and the offices of both President and Vice President are vacant), then the Secretary would call the meeting to order and preside over the election for a Chair Pro Tempore to preside for the duration of the meeting or until the elections are completed and you have a President, whichever happens first. If the Secretary is also absent (or if that office is also vacant), any member may call the meeting to order to preside over the Chair Pro Tempore election. In this instance, a Secretary Pro Tempore would also need to be elected.

There is no automatic "line of succession" for presiding beyond the President and Vice President.

On the other hand, if the bylaws add on to the end of the officers' term that they shall serve "until their successors are elected," then the President is still the President, and will continue to preside at meetings until the elections are completed (or he resigns). Of course, if the President is absent (or resigns), then see above.

I would also note that the President continues to have no authority to unilaterally postpone elections for three months. While the assembly can't really hop in a time machine and complete the elections at the annual meeting now, the assembly can and should complete the elections as soon as possible, notwithstanding the President's erroneous announcement to the contrary.

Edited by Josh Martin
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