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Guidelines for a new clerk recording minutes

Pastor Tim

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Our church needs to appoint a new clerk; the person considering the position is new to it, and seeks advice.

Our church constitution and Robert's Rules are quite helpful in offering guidance. But I'm wondering if there is some more general advice that any here may offer.

For the most part, our minutes are slightly less formal that perhaps Robert's Rules advises. We certainly critical things like time/date; attendance; motions and the results of the votes in accordance with Robert's Rules. We also often list some more informal things that help us remember what we agreed to do, such as "The Property Team is hosting a workday on such-and such date/time. Bob agreed to organize the work and Fred and Mark agreed to help." 

Any other general advice (beyond what is printed in RONR) that some would offer would be appreciated.  Thank you.

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I would suggest you check out the NAP (National Association of Parliamentarians) bookstore on its website, www.parliamentarians.org. You will find several books and pamphlets on the subject of minutes and the secretary. 

This link should take you directly to the bookstore:  https://nap.users.membersuite.com/shop/store/browse


Edited by Richard Brown
Added last paragraph with link to the NAP bookstore
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Pastor Tim -- are you looking for the clerks job description or something more like a template for the minutes???  We have a new secretary for our Council of Catholic Women group so the President and I have worked out a format for her to use going forward.  I can post that if you are interested.  The Roberts Rules of Order In Brief has a very nice template for this and I modified it according to our own traditions.   Just let me know...

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Hi Pastor Tim -- I will paste our template into this post.   As I mentioned, I tailored it to match our tradition - you will need to do the same.  I thought that it might help the "new" secretary to have an explanation of how to phrase things like the reports which can be tricky.  We go by the dictum that the minutes should be what happened in the meeting, not what was said as reported by the more illustrious members of this forum.  Here goes:



Call to Order:



Approval of Minutes:  Example:  If minutes were sent out to membership, no need to read them at the meeting.  “Minutes of (insert date) were corrected (if applicable) and approved.”

Officer Reports:





Commission/Committee Reports:

Respect Life








Report Example:  “Reports were given by President (name), Treasurer (name),  Each Committee with Name of Chair.”  No content is needed.  List each Commission/Committee if you like.

Example:  If the committee chair made a recommendation for the committee to the membership , then it can be worded as follows:   “Joan Smith, reporting for the Hospitality Committee moved that….”  

Main Motions Made:

·         Give the text of the main motion and the person who moved it.  Add any amendments, and note whether it was approved (adopted). 

·         Votes, noting if it was adopted or lost.  Only include number of votes for a ballot or counted vote.

·         Notice of Motion for next meeting.  If you want to give notice that a motion will be held at the next meeting, add the content of that motion here. 

·         Points of Order,  if any

Unfinished Business:

New Business:

Closing Prayer

Meeting Adjournment:  “The meeting was adjourned at x time.”


Submitted By:

Secretary Name

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On 6/11/2024 at 9:17 AM, Pastor Tim said:

We certainly [include] critical things like time/date; attendance; motions and the results of the votes in accordance with Robert's Rules.

It's worth noting that recording attendance is not in accordance with Robert's Rules.  Of course your bylaws or special rules of order may require it.

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