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Executive session

Guest V King

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Village Council is at New Business on the agenda. A Council member has new business but the Council President states they need to go into Executive Session and a motion is made, seconded and passed 4 to 1, nay is from council member that has new business. They return from exec session back into open session and take a vote. The Council President then returns to the new business section of the agenda and resumes the council meeting. Should the council meeting been allowed to continue?  OR should the vote that was taken to conclude the business discussed in executive session be the last topic of the meeting and the meeting adjourned. 

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The council meeting could legitimately continue after the conclusion of the executive session. The chair was correct on that point, but probably should have handled your motion prior to going into executive session, at least if the member had actually stated his motion that he wanted taken up in new business.. However, this could depend upon what your agenda called for. It also depends upon exactly what happened and what was said by whom and in what order. 

at any rate, it is too late to do anything about it now. It is something that would have required an immediate Point of Order at the time that he declined to handle your motion. If you did not raise a Point of Order then, it has been waived.


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