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Guest Carmen

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Is it permissible, when submitting a bio for a timeshare board election, to endorse other candidates at the same time, thereby recommending a slate of candidates?

As background, it's time for the annual election of our timeshare association board, on which there are 3 positions up for election. One board member, who is running for re-election, endorsed two other individuals at the bottom of his bio who are also running as board candidates for the 3 positions.

I say he is simply expressing his personal opinion and it is mere campaign rhetoric; others say this constitutes a 'board endorsement' and leaves out others who are also running for the board. Does his endorsement of the other two candidates 'taint' the election?


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The Book (Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 10th ed.) does not answer questions like that.

It isn't a parliamentary issue.

Biographical info is extra, above and beyond the parliamentary demands of elections.

So, YOU will have to decide. - Is it, or isn't it, to be allowed?

And, once you do decide, then create a standing rule, so you don't run into this problem next year.

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Is it permissible, when submitting a bio for a timeshare board election, to endorse other candidates at the same time, thereby recommending a slate of candidates?

Nothing in RONR prohibits members (even board members) from endorsing candidates for election.

I say he is simply expressing his personal opinion and it is mere campaign rhetoric; others say this constitutes a 'board endorsement'

This seems like a pointless debate (unless you have some rules about this) as RONR doesn't prohibit it either way. Although it seems silly to me to suggest that one board member can speak for the entire board.

and leaves out others who are also running for the board.

No it doesn't. Other members are free to run. The endorsed members may be at an advantage or disadvantage now, but that is not a parliamentary issue.

Does his endorsement of the other two candidates 'taint' the election?

It doesn't affect the legitimacy of the election, if that's what you're asking. If some members perceive some "taint" it may make it more difficult for the candidates to be elected, but no rule in RONR has been violated.

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It seems clear to me that the "...brief factual statement of [the candidate's] service and qualifications...", RONR (10th ed.), p. 410, ll. 11, 12, does not include endorsements of other candidates.

First of all, it's not clear to me that the rule you cite is the reason these bios are submitted. I find it more likely it is based on a special or standing rule of the organization which is not worded as carefully as the statement as RONR.

However, if that is indeed the controlling rule, the worst that could happen would be potential disciplinary action against the submitter and/or publisher of the statement. The claims of the opposition and the concern that this would "taint" the election in any substantial sense are baseless.

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First of all, it's not clear to me that the rule you cite is the reason these bios are submitted. I find it more likely it is based on a special or standing rule of the organization which is not worded as carefully as the statement as RONR.

However, if that is indeed the controlling rule, the worst that could happen would be potential disciplinary action against the submitter and/or publisher of the statement. The claims of the opposition and the concern that this would "taint" the election in any substantial sense are baseless.

I'm not sure what "taint" is intended to imply. If it is the suggestion that the election was invalid on account that endorsements were included in the candidate's biographical summary, then, I agree with you that the suggestion has no basis in the rules.

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