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Guest Marguerite

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Back in February 2008 a paper ballot was given to members of the Association w/four choices. The choice to leave flags as currently hung rec'd the most votes. Some members did not like this result and talked for a year of why the flags should be put in holders on the back wall of the club house. January 2009 a "stand up" vote was taken to determine if steps should be taken to rescind the 02/08 vote. Majority voted NO- vote stands-- some of the members still want the flags down! A few have taken things into their own hands and removed the flags- when a fuss was put up and explained to these few that the vote stands, they are now hanging the flags on the back wall. There have been many weak excuses why the flags should be on the back wall. Dust on the flags, looks like an American Legion/VFW, people renting the hall don't want the flags up for their affair. These flags are about 3' x 5', soffet they should be hanging from is high enough where they do not interfere w/anything going on in the clubhouse. These few members have been told on numerous occasions that the vote stands but they just continue to do exactly what they want to do. The President is of no help-- since she wants the flags down and thinks she has full authority to do what she wants. These were hung in memory of 911. What can we do to settle this once and for all. I am a member of the BOD and the last BOD meeting had a very lively discussion regarding this and we cannot convince these few. Please help. Thank you-- I know this is long but we are at our wits end.

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