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suspend rule

Guest gknott2002@yahoo.com

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Guest gknott2002@yahoo.com

If a bylaw is violated on a technicality can it be suspended. Ie. a special meeting was called a quorum was established via email before announcing the meeting. However the signed notice of attendance was not in a form that could be signed Ie; email and/or phone. Can the bylaw be sospended for that one meeting?

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If a bylaw is violated on a technicality can it be suspended. Ie. a special meeting was called a quorum was established via email before announcing the meeting. However the signed notice of attendance was not in a form that could be signed Ie; email and/or phone. Can the bylaw be sospended for that one meeting?


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Can the bylaw be sospended for that one meeting?

The quorum requirement may not be suspended, but what matters is whether a quorum actually was (or was not) present at the meeting. The e-mail verification and the signed notice of attendance are both meaningless. A member may raise a Point of Order that the amendment is null and void if he believes a quorum was not present, but the burden of proof is on him to prove that a quorum was not present.

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If a bylaw is violated on a technicality can it be suspended.

The suspending would have to come beforehand. There's no mechanism for suspending a rule in the past.

Ie. a special meeting was called

You can only call special meetings in accordance with your bylaws. Is this where the violation occurred?

a quorum was established via email before announcing the meeting.

You lost me. A quorum refers to members in attendance at a meeting. It can't be established before the special meeting has been called.

However the signed notice of attendance was not in a form that could be signed Ie; email and/or phone. Can the bylaw be sospended for that one meeting?

Signed notice? Do your bylaws contain a rule that says notice of a special meeting must be signed by someone? Is that the violation to which you refer?

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