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Ex Chairman of the Board

Guest Guest Gary

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Our By-Laws state the ex Chairman of the Board serves as the Chairman Emeritus. Does he have the right to vote during board meetings, and does he/she continue in this position until the present Chairman of the board replaces him/her.

Also, our by laws state that the Chairman of Membership and Chairman of Parlimentry procedure are non voting members of the board. Is this a requirement or simply the way the organization wanted it when developing the by laws?

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Our By-Laws state the ex Chairman of the Board serves as the Chairman Emeritus. Does he have the right to vote during board meetings, and does he/she continue in this position until the present Chairman of the board replaces him/her.

Your bylaws should provide the answers. Take a look at RONR(10th ed.), p. 447, for Honorary Offices, which are not offices at all, but are titles. Such titles are perpetual and include the right to attend meetings and speak, but not the right to vote.

Also, our by laws state that the Chairman of Membership and Chairman of Parlimentry procedure are non voting members of the board. Is this a requirement or simply the way the organization wanted it when developing the by laws?

Your board has too many chairmen. RONR does not deprive any member of the right to vote, though it does give guidelines on when a member should refrain from exercising that right.

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Our By-Laws state the ex Chairman of the Board serves as the Chairman Emeritus. Does he have the right to vote during board meetings, and does he/she continue in this position until the present Chairman of the board replaces him/her.

It depends on what your bylaws say about the office. There is no office by that name listed in RONR, so there will be no rules there either. If all your bylaws grant is a title, without conferring membership, powers or duties, then I guess all he gets is the title.

Also, our by laws state that the Chairman of Membership and Chairman of [Parliamentary] procedure are non voting members of the board. Is this a requirement or simply the way the organization wanted it when developing the by laws?


It was the way they wanted it written in the bylaws which is why it remains a requirement now.

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