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A member came to our board meeting and stated she believes the Minutes not written propperly as well as Motions being made by the President. According to this member per Robert’s Rules motions should not be made by the President that it can be suggested for someone else to make the motion and second the motion. She also stated that nowhere within the motion is it mentioned who seconded and which way a BOD member voted. She believes this issue needs to be clarified.

I have page 158 in Rules of Order Brief and reference to RONR p.469-71 in regards to small boards and President being able to make motions and vote.

Is there any other text I can quote that adreeses this question?

Question #2- Is there any reference to minutes not having to name who seconds a motion. We do in our small board have motions seconded but the minutes have never reflected the name of the person who seconded.

Our minutes also have never stated which way each BOD voted, only the result of the vote such as "Motion was second and passed by 2/3 vote." The name of the mover is named in the minutes.

Can you please give me some specific references that show these things are not appropriate for the minutes?

Thanks in advance.

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