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Removal of a member from meeting

Guest Little John

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Is it against Roberts rules to not allow a member to attend a monthly meeting, if they will be a topic of a disciplinary discussion? And if it is allowed, what recourse does the executive board have if he or she refuses to leave ? Does it have the potential to turn criminal if the member refuses to leave? ie. Trespassing charge ?

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Is it against Roberts rules to not allow a member to attend a monthly meeting, if they will be a topic of a disciplinary discussion? And if it is allowed, what recourse does the executive board have if he or she refuses to leave ? Does it have the potential to turn criminal if the member refuses to leave? ie. Trespassing charge ?

Is this member a member of the executive board, or the general membership? Is the monthly meeting a board meeting, or a general membership meeting?

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If the person is a member of the assembly, he/she has every legal right to be at the meeting. It's that plain and simple. The organization can amend its By-laws to deal with the issue, but RONR will be of no assistance.

Actually, it is not that plain and simple, and RONR will be of considerable assistance.

It devotes an entire chapter (Chapter XX.) to discipline proceedings, and on p. 639, l. 20, provides that the accused must leave the room during deliberations and voting on the charges, and the determination of penalty.

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Is it against Roberts rules to not allow a member to attend a monthly meeting, if they will be a topic of a disciplinary discussion? And if it is allowed, what recourse does the executive board have if he or she refuses to leave ? Does it have the potential to turn criminal if the member refuses to leave? ie. Trespassing charge ?

There are times during the disciplinary proceedings when he accused must leave the room, but trials are not usually held at regular meetings. Are you following the rules in Chapter XX. of RONR, or do you have special rules regarding discipline in your bylaws?

t would not be permissible to exclude a member from the entire meeting, but only during the parts of the procedure specified in RONR on page 639, line 20 ff. You have not made it clear what body the "member" is in fact a member of.

Furthermore, why is the executive board involved in discipline? In RONR, discipline is the purview of the general membership.

Under what rules are you operating?

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t would not be permissible to exclude a member from the entire meeting, but only during the parts of the procedure specified in RONR on page 639, line 20 ff. You have not made it clear what body the "member" is in fact a member of.

Gary, thanks for the more accurate response. My response of "plain and simple" was more about the meeting, and the exemption to the right to attend the meeting is limited and specified.

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Is this member a member of the executive board, or the general membership? Is the monthly meeting a board meeting, or a general membership meeting?

The member is not on the executive board, and is a general member. The meeting is a general membership meeting held once every month. -Thank You "Little John"

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The member is not on the executive board, and is a general member. The meeting is a general membership meeting held once every month. -Thank You "Little John"

If this is a meeting of the general membership, the general member has every right to be present (except under the very limited circumstances Mr. Novosielski noted), and I'm now even more confused what the Executive Board has to do with this. It's not their meeting, and they have no say in any of this.

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The member is not on the executive board, and is a general member. The meeting is a general membership meeting held once every month. -Thank You "Little John"

Since this is a matter of discipline, you have two choices. Well, actually you have only one choice, but it must be one of the following:

  1. If your bylaws have specific rules for discipline, you have to follow them.
  2. If not, you need to follow the procedure in Chapter XX. of RONR. It's a complex process, too detailed to describe here, but if you intend to discipline a member, you need to read it, understand it, and follow it. It contains all the information on when the member may not be there, may be there, and must be there.

The executive board has nothing to do with (or at) membership meetings.

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