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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Presidents Duties

Guest Mary

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Can the President be a chair of a committee or be on several committees?

Nothing in RONR prohibits it (though RONR suggests that the president have nothing to do with the nominating committee) and, in fact, many bylaws make the president an ex-officio member of all committees (except the nominating committee).

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Also, depending on the availibility of members to join committees, the President may Chair a committee. Also, if the President was a Chairman of a Committee prior to becoming the President, he/she may continue to be Chairman of the committee if desired.

It seems to me that the president's freedom to chair a committee would be independent of the number of available members.

Also, the president's right to continue as the chair of a committee would be the same as anyone's, but no greater. It's not his desire, but that of the appointing authority, that matters.

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