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school board meeting

Guest Alison Fortunato

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Guest Alison Fortunato

At the beginning of each school board meeting, the president always asks if any member of the audience wishes to speak to any agenda item. There is a special meeting to discuss budget items on Tuesday. Do we(public) need to say yes and give the item numbers? If we do not, do we lose the right to speak before the board takes their vote?


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At the beginning of each school board meeting, the president always asks if any member of the audience wishes to speak to any agenda item. There is a special meeting to discuss budget items on Tuesday. Do we(public) need to say yes and give the item numbers? If we do not, do we lose the right to speak before the board takes their vote?


Under RONR the public has no right to speak. This right might be created by the rules of the school board or applicable statute, but those are beyond the scope of this board.

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OK---so if they offer, we'd better jump on it, right?!!

If you have to something to say, and they'll let you say it --- JUMP!:)

Just to be sure, in RONR non-members (i.e. the "public") have no rights of attendance or participation at meetings, although some of the member rights (speaking in debate, for instance) can be allowed if enough members agree to it. Since you are talking about a school board, there may be other rules in and guidelines in place that do allow the public to speak, but that steps out of the RONR authority.

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OK---so if they offer, we'd better jump on it, right?!!

Are you asking about Robert's Rules of Order?

The Book has no opinion -- on jumping vs. non-jumping.

Somebody Else's Rules is the controlling authority, not Robert's Rules.


For rules for jumping, See Mark Twain's short story of Calaveras County, California. :)

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At the beginning of each school board meeting, the president always asks if any member of the audience wishes to speak to any agenda item. There is a special meeting to discuss budget items on Tuesday. Do we(public) need to say yes and give the item numbers? If we do not, do we lose the right to speak before the board takes their vote?

Well, if you are afforded the opportunity to speak, you should not "say yes and give them item numbers", you should, when called upon, simply get up and speak, about what you want to speak about. At that time.

It is technically possible, but highly unlikely, that the board will give you another chance later, at least not until after the vote has already been taken.

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