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Voting no to a slate of officers presented

Guest Cheryl Dewald

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Guest Cheryl Dewald

What happens if the members vote no to a board nominee provided by the nomination committee? Does the board appoint and does that position come up for vote again at the next annual meeting or does the appointment last for the entire term until it's re-elected? Or does the position remain vacant until the next annual meeting?

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The members don't get that option. Either they vote for the officers as nominated or then nominate other persons and vote for them.

If your vote is by ballot, you can write someone in, even if they were not nominated and have not agreed to serve.

Failure to elect someone - e.g. no nominee for that office - does not produce a vacancy. It produces an incomplete election and you must vote again to fill the position.

Note that, if there is only one nominee for a position, the chairman has the option of declaring that person to have been elected without putting the question to a vote (unless the bylaws require a ballot vote). Also note there have been hints this provision will become even more rigid after the 11th edition of RONR appears this fall. We will soon see.


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None of the above... at least that is what should happen if your "slate" -- not a term found in RONR; what do you mean by it? -- was constructed properly.

Each office should show a listing of the candidate(s) nominated for THAT office, plus a blank line for write-in votes. This ballot (to give it its proper name) should NOT give the voter a "yes/no" option. If you, a voter, don't like any of the candidates nominated, you just write-in someone else who you think will do a proper job.

The entire slate is NOT elected on a yes/no basis for the whole thing.

The whoever gets a majority of the votes is the winner. Otherwise you have an incomplete election, and you try again as soon as possible.

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What happens if the members vote no to a board nominee provided by the nomination committee? Does the board appoint and does that position come up for vote again at the next annual meeting or does the appointment last for the entire term until it's re-elected? Or does the position remain vacant until the next annual meeting?

"No" cannot possibly win an election. The only way to vote against the candidacy of one person is to nominate, or at least vote for, another.

After the nomination committee's report is given, the chair should call for nominations from the floor. At that time, members can nominate candidates they like better than those the nomination committee recommended. But even if no one else is nominated, you are free to move that the vote be by ballot (unless your bylaws already require that) and write in the name of someone else.

There should be no point at which anyone can, or should, vote "No". If anyone writes "No" on a ballot, that ballot is deemed to be an abstention, and not counted for any candidate, nor towards the number required to elect.

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We are taking nominations from the floor at our May General meeting. Should someone nominate another candidate for a position, can a vote take place at that time from the membership present to determine who would be the nominee?

Maureen - if you would please, post your question as a new topic. This prevents answers from getting muddled up when two questions are active in the same thread, and also provides you with focused answers to your question as well.


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