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temporya modification to regular meetings

Guest Mike

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We have small business association the board voted to temporary modifiy the regular board and general meetings.

Our bylaws state that we have monthly meetings board n general . A motion was made to make them every other month at our last board meeting. I am questioning the authority of action that was taken.

Did we have the right without submitting to the general members first or was ok because it is temporary.

I have asked to be recinded until the presented to the members first then voted upon on

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We have small business association the board voted to temporary modifiy the regular board and general meetings.

Our bylaws state that we have monthly meetings board n general . A motion was made to make them every other month at our last board meeting. I am questioning the authority of action that was taken.

Did we have the right without submitting to the general members first or was ok because it is temporary.

I have asked to be recinded until the presented to the members first then voted upon on

If the bylaws say that the Board meets monthly then the Board must meet monthly and the motion to hold them every other month is null and void (RONR p. 244[a]).

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Our bylaws state that we have monthly meetings board n general . A motion was made to make them every other month at our last board meeting. I am questioning the authority of action that was taken.

The motion is null and void because it conflicts with the Bylaws. If the frequency of meetings is specified in the Bylaws, it can only be changed by amending the Bylaws.

Did we have the right without submitting to the general members first or was ok because it is temporary.

It is not okay to violate the Bylaws, even temporarily. To change the meeting frequency, you must amend the Bylaws by following the amendment procedure in the Bylaws. Most likely, this requires some form of previous notice and would ultimately be voted on by the general membership.

I have asked to be recinded until the presented to the members first then voted upon on

Since the motion is null and void, the better course of action would be to raise a Point of Order. Be sure to follow any required notice requirements for amending the Bylaws.

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