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Death of Board Members

Guest Jerry Roberts

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Guest Jerry Roberts

If the members of the board vote to seat the wife of a deceased member, do you see any problem with that decision? Our Bylaws say that the board is to choose a replacement. That was done in the distant past but in the last 2-3 years when a member resigned the thinking was that we should fill the vacancy with the person who ran for the position and would have been next in line. I think it entirely proper to seat her(if elected by the board), but wanted some feedback.

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If the members of the board vote to seat the wife of a deceased member, do you see any problem with that decision? Our Bylaws say that the board is to choose a replacement. That was done in the distant past but in the last 2-3 years when a member resigned the thinking was that we should fill the vacancy with the person who ran for the position and would have been next in line. I think it entirely proper to seat her(if elected by the board), but wanted some feedback.

As long as you follow the bylaws (which it seems you did) I don't think you are going to hear any objections from us.

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in the last 2-3 years when a member resigned the thinking was that we should fill the vacancy with the person who ran for the position and would have been next in line.

That thinking is understandable but often misguided. There may have been a very good reason that the person who lost (i.e. came in 2nd) wasn't elected. As was recently observed on this forum, with uncharacteristic succinctness, losers aren't winners.

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...in the last 2-3 years when a member resigned the thinking was that we should fill the vacancy with the person who ran for the position and would have been next in line.

There is no such thing as "next in line" when it comes to elections. Since it is often the case that people who lose elections lose for very good reasons, it is not helpful to think of a completed election as a queue in which they remain waiting, but as a boat that has sailed without them.

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If the members of the board vote to seat the wife of a deceased member, do you see any problem with that decision?


Our Bylaws say that the board is to choose a replacement. That was done in the distant past but in the last 2-3 years when a member resigned the thinking was that we should fill the vacancy with the person who ran for the position and would have been next in line. I think it entirely proper to seat her(if elected by the board), but wanted some feedback.

Since the Bylaws grant the board the authority to fill the vacancy and place no limitations on that decision, the board is free to choose whoever it feels would be the best choice for the position. The custom of the past 2-3 years is not binding upon the board.

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