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transfer of alloted speaking time

Guest Tom Stumm

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At a recent homeowner's association meeting, speakers were limited to 5 minutes speaking time on the agenda items. I had received written authorization from other members to utilize their alloted time. In effect, I had their proxy to speak using their time. The board president refused to allow me the additional time. Nothing in the associations governing documents covers this situation except that the association is supposed to follow Robert's Rules of Order. Is this covered and what is the answer?

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At a recent homeowner's association meeting, speakers were limited to 5 minutes speaking time on the agenda items. I had received written authorization from other members to utilize their alloted time. In effect, I had their proxy to speak using their time. The board president refused to allow me the additional time. Nothing in the associations governing documents covers this situation except that the association is supposed to follow Robert's Rules of Order. Is this covered and what is the answer?

The board president was correct. As far as RONR is concerned, speaking time is not transferable.

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