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Self-Designated Standing Committee


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The WSCA is an incorporated, non-profit association. Its bylaws make no provision for standing or special committees, or for a category of 'Youth' membership, nor is there a 'special rule of order' to that effect. The association decided that it should have a youth program called 'WAYS'. Therefore a few adult members of the association designated themselves a committee to conduct such a program. Individual clubs which are members of the association are required to provide insurance for this 'WAYS' program. However, the insurance providers have refused coverage on the basis that 'WAYS' does not exist as part of the association, citing RONR (10th ed.), p. 473, l. 18-35 and p. 474, l. 1-23. What should the association do?

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Either create a new By-law to specifically outline Standing Committees, or pass a motion at the next Board meeting to create a Standing Committee.

I'll agree with Reved, except that I would specify that a special rule of order be adopted, and I would not specify that the Board do the adopting.

Otherwise Reved did fine.

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