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Violating by - laws

Guest Chris

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What can be done when the president does not follow by laws?

President was informed of the timeline in our bylaws about elections and she did not follow through with it. Time was shortened to less then a week to have an election, when the bylaws state the process takes approximately two months.

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What can be done when the president does not follow by laws?

President was informed of the timeline in our bylaws about elections and she did not follow through with it. Time was shortened to less then a week to have an election, when the bylaws state the process takes approximately two months.

What can be done? Anything from ignoring it, to censure or reprimand, to removal from office, to expulsion from membership, depending on what your bylaws say about discipline and terms of office, and how seriously the membership views the infractions to be.

It's difficult to speculate what that would mean to your particular organization, but perhaps more details would help us help you.

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Chris, the offer was to provide better help, with more information. Information like, what do the bylaws require, as far as the timeline goes? What do the bylaws require the president, specifically, to do? Was the election, in fact, held? Was anyone disenfranchised by the violations, and if so, how?

(Pardon my prompting, I was afraid you'd decamped for the summer, like maybe Natasha has.)

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