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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Officers position

Guest Terri

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Does a officer's position have to be filled if the officer is removed or resigns before his term is over.

Yes. Presumably your bylaws (or some other rule you've adopted) established this office so you'd be disobeying your bylaws if it isn't filled.

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. . . so is there anything, even implicit, in Robert's Rules itself?

I would think there's at least an implicit assumption that the members of an organization (or "society", if you prefer) will follow the rules they adopted. And if the bylaws say (as the sample bylaws do) that, for example, there shall be a president, then there must be a president.

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I am new to this forum and apologize if this is not the correct place for this. I have searched to find how to create a new discussion thread and cannot.

Background: At the last meeting (April 2012) of our HOA, nominations were held for the position of president. Officers are nominated and elected by the Board of Directors only. One person was nominated, then the current Secretary nominated herself. This self-nomination was discussed and was deemed appropriate.The nominations were closed with 2 nominees. A secret ballot was held (although upon review at that time of the By-Laws it was not indicated as required, the current president opted for it anyway).

After the folded paper ballots were cast into a hat, the current president asked the current Secretary to read and count the votes aloud. She did, and she did not win the election. Question: is it permissible in Robert's Rules to have a nominee read the ballots? We just received a draft of the April minutes and there is no indication that anyone either visually or verbally confirmed the Secretary's count of the votes.

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I am going to post this in the other thread since this one might not be able to be located.


Nothing in RONR prevents the President from appointing one of the nominees as a Teller. The Tellers should have created a Teller's Report with the tabulated results which would be read by the chair of the Teller's Committee and then by the President and then entered in full into the minutes (RONR pp. 412-419). However, even though this didn't occur the election results are still valid but if the ballots were securely retained the assembly could order a recount.

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