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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Bank Account

Guest Rita

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Great discussion in our small non-profit as to who should be on the checking account and hold debit cards. Currently it is President, Treasurer, and person who buys the medicine for our animals use. (we are an animal rescue group) President wants to add a 4th person, who is not an officer. She also wants to remove the person who buys the medicine from it who is also not an officer and only has a debit card. President wants the Treasurer, herself and the new person she wants to add to have checks and be able to write checks. Members of the board feel that the Treasurer is the only one that should have the checks and sign the checks however the other 3 should be able to have debit cards and a set use of the cards. Bylaws do not state. Any points from Robert's Rules of ORder on this?


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So it does not really matter if it is an officer of the Board?

As far as RONR is concerned you all could turn over sole and full control of the bank accounts to the guy who sweeps the floor after the meeting. RONR wisely leaves the details to the individual organization to work out.

And my you all, do you mean the entire Board of Directors or just the President, Secretary & Treasurer?

Whoever the bylaws say has the authority to make those decisions.

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