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Entering an item into the record

Guest Bob Beers

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One of our members wishes to read a letter & have it recorded in the minutes at our next annual meeting.

Does this require a motion/second to do so, and a vote of approval?

Is there any parliamentary way for the chair to prevent such a motion from being introduced under new business?

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One of our members wishes to read a letter & have it recorded in the minutes at our next annual meeting.

Does this require a motion/second to do so, and a vote of approval?

Yes. Majority rules.

Is there any parliamentary way for the chair to prevent such a motion from being introduced under new business?


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One of our members wishes to read a letter & have it recorded in the minutes at our next annual meeting.

Does this require a motion/second to do so, and a vote of approval?

Is there any parliamentary way for the chair to prevent such a motion from being introduced under new business?

I would note that RONR does not recommend recording the full text of letters in the minutes - but nonetheless, such a motion would be in order.

Based on the topic's title, I imagine some members have been watching too much C-SPAN. It may be worth noting that in legislative assemblies where "entering an item into the record" is an established practice, "the record" is generally a separate document from the minutes.

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It may be worth noting that in legislative assemblies where "entering an item into the record" is an established practice, "the record" is generally a separate document from the minutes.

Yes, something akin to what the 11th edition refers to as "the proceedings" (p. 475).

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