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Committee Size

Guest jeff

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I'd think that the bylaws probably (not always, though) specify the size of the board, such as the officers and X number of Directors. Just because there's a vacancy doesn't mean the board can't meet and act. If a committee does not have a full membership, I'd think they could still meet, and even act as such as long as a quorum is met.

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I was interpreting "officially meet" as both meet and conduct real business. If they don't meet a quorum, they can meet, but they can't do much in the way of actual business.

RONR would define a quorum of a committee as a majority of its members, but the bylaws may differ.

If, for example, the OP's bylaws specify that this committee has 7 members and a quorum is required of 5, then they wouldn't be able to do any real business with only 4 members. If it just specifies 7 members, then there shouldn't be a problem, given the situation as laid out above. In my one cup of coffee opinion, at any rate...

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is a good question whether the appointing body is aware, as it ought to have been, that the committee is short 3 people.

It might be reasonable to request, from the President, direction on whether the board or other appointing body wishes to have an extraordinary meeting in order to fill the 3 vacancies.

It might also be considered that

  • although RONR makes no provision for an inquorate committee, perhaps the four could assemble, without "meeting", those recommendations on which they have full agreement. See RONR, 11th ed, p. 503, ll 24-28, "if it is impractical to bring its members together for a meeting, the report of the committee can contain what has been agreed to by every one of its members".
  • assuming the committee is purely advisory, then even if it had 'met' inquorate, there will be no question of having to ratify action taken absent proper authority

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