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motion to amend minutes from previous mtg

Guest Marie

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Re: Sports Booster Club. If I want to correct minutes from previous mtg and make a motion to change, and then state the change, can anyone at the mtg second the motion? I have been told that the only eligible individuals able to second this motion would be those who were present at the mtg that those minutes were taken at. Also, where can I find this clarification in the Roberts Rules of Order? Please advise.


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I have been told that the only eligible individuals able to second this motion would be those who were present at the mtg that those minutes were taken at.

Any member present can second a motion. If anyone says otherwise, it's up to them to find the rule that says so. It's not up to you to prove that such a rule doesn't exist. This is sometimes referred to as the "burden of proof" and, in this case, it's on them, not you.

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Any member present can second a motion. If anyone says otherwise, it's up to them to find the rule that says so. It's not up to you to prove that such a rule doesn't exist. This is sometimes referred to as the "burden of proof" and, in this case, it's on them, not you.

Well it doesn't hurt that the 11th edition clarified this for those who keep telling her false things, does it? :)

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I have been misquoted in these minutes, that's why I am trying to change these as they are inaccurate and not true. At the mtg that I made a motion and was told that nobody could second this because those who wanted to were not at the previous mtg when the minutes in question were taken. So a board member made a motion to not accept my motion and this was seconded. Can I bring this back?

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I have been misquoted in these minutes, that's why I am trying to change these as they are inaccurate and not true.

Robert's Rules say don't include what was said in a meeting, only what was done. RONR (11th. ed), p. 468, ll. 16-18.

So a board member made a motion to not accept my motion and this was seconded.

It sounds like he raised a point of order, which need not be seconded and should have been ruled "not well taken" by the chair, since it's already been cited that you can offer corrections to the minutes.

Can I bring this back?

Sure, via a motion to amend something previously adopted. RONR (11th ed.), p. 305ff. But don't move to correct your remarks, move to strke them out completely.

Your group really needs to read Section 48 in RONR.


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