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Amend previously adopted agenda for meeting

Guest Carla

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If a member wants to amend the agenda by moving their agenda item up from its previous slot on the agenda (no specific time was planned to discuss this particular item), should their motion be to amend the previously adopted agenda or should their motion be to suspend the rules, thus allowing their agenda item to be moved earlier in the sequence of items?

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If a member wants to amend the agenda by moving their agenda item up from its previous slot on the agenda (no specific time was planned to discuss this particular item), should their motion be to amend the previously adopted agenda or should their motion be to suspend the rules, thus allowing their agenda item to be moved earlier in the sequence of items?

Either approach is acceptable.

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If a member wants to amend the agenda by moving their agenda item up from its previous slot on the agenda (no specific time was planned to discuss this particular item), should their motion be to amend the previously adopted agenda or should their motion be to suspend the rules, thus allowing their agenda item to be moved earlier in the sequence of items?

Was the agenda actually adopted at the meeting or did someone prepare it in advance and present it as THE agenda?

This is a good question, as it is often the case that agendas are prepared and presented, as Chris Harrison states, "THE" agenda. Keeping in mind the purpose of meetings is to accomplish things from collective input of several minds, it is best to present the agenda for adoption at the outset of the meeting inviting members to make additions or changes.

Likewise, for the purpose of accomplishing things and hearing from all the members, unless amending the agenda during the meeting -- after it was adopted -- would prevent other matters from being accomplished, it seems reasonable to be agreeable to amending the agenda. Too often I see chairs (or members) refuse to amend the agenda for the sake of control, rather than looking toward the bigger picture in working together to accomplish things and hearing from all the members who wish to be heard.

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