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President's rights to attend committee meetings


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I wonder whether a President of a not for profit orgnaization can attend any committee meetings of the same organization? at least with out a voting right?

Unless your rules or instructions from the parent assembly provide otherwise, only committee members have a right to attend the committee's meetings. Whether others may attend (including the President of the society) is at the committee's discretion.

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But... many bylaws will state that the president is ex officio a member of all committees (with, commonly, some exceptions).

In that case the president is a member of all those committees, and is free to attend or not as he wishes. He also should get notices of all those committee meetings, since he is, after all, a member. When attending, he does not count toward the presence of a quorum, however. Nor does he "contribute" toward the calculation of the quorum as a majority of members, say, that is, he is not included in the "members" count.

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When attending, he does not count toward the presence of a quorum, however. Nor does he "contribute" toward the calculation of the quorum as a majority of members, say, that is, he is not included in the "members" count.

That doesn't seem to gibe with p. 483, assuming the President would also be "under the authority of the society." Am I missing something?

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