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rescinding a motion

Guest Hugh

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At a recent meeting a motion was made to rescind a previously adopted motion. After reading the procedures for rescinding a motion, I am still confused about the vote to overturn the previous motion. If there has not been previous notice, does the two-third vote apply to just those at the meeting or the entire membership?

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Thank you for your quick response. So am I correct in assuming that any time a club passes a motion that a member doesn't agree with that member can rally a group to show up at a subsequent meeting and move to rescind the previous motion without notice and have the motion overturned by a two-thirds vote?

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Thank you for your quick response. So am I correct in assuming that any time a club passes a motion that a member doesn't agree with that member can rally a group to show up at a subsequent meeting and move to rescind the previous motion without notice and have the motion overturned by a two-thirds vote?

With the three exceptions found on p. 308, ll. 12-30 of RONR (11th ed.), yes, a main motion may be rescinded or amended by a 2/3 vote, or a vote of a majority of the entire membership.

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