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Meeting minutes passed


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If meeting minutes don't need to be pasted by motion and only asked if there are any corrections, when challenged on this where can I find this in writing?

RONR pp. 473-475 and pp. 354-355.



This is always an absolute that they don't need approval correct.

A motion to approve the minutes is not necessary but would not be out of order if made (RONR p. 354 ll. 23-28.

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P. 468ff & 354ff.


But the minutes DO need "approval" - it is just that the method of approval differs from approving (voting for) a motion.   The association approves minutes by incorporating any appropriate or necessary corrections  --  when there are no corrections (i.e., the secretary got the minutes right) (or no more corrections) the chair just declares them approved.

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This is always an absolute that they don't need approval correct.


It's absolute that a final vote is never taken on approving the minutes, if that's what you mean.


Essentially, the assembly can't simply decide not to have minutes of a meeting. It can (and should) correct the minutes if it needs to, but it eventually needs to approve them. So it's not appropriate to take a vote on that, since it would be problematic if the assembly voted "no."


A motion to approve the minutes is not necessary but would not be out of order if made (RONR p. 354 ll. 23-28.


...although the procedure for approving the minutes is the same regardless of whether a motion to approve them is made.

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