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Need to Change Bank Signers


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One of our previous BOD members resigned and the BOD wanted to try and get participation from the whole membership to resolve the issue.  They tried to hold a special election and the President gave 45 days advance notice, however, no one volunteered nor nominated someone to the position except one member.  We also did not have a quorum at the meeting so the BOD had to appoint the position.  The BOD appointed the member, now since we did not have a quorum how are they able to change bank signer designees?  We have not had a quorum in 3 months to approve any of the minutes.  We thought you had to take approved minutes to be able to change signers.  Any advice?

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We also did not have a quorum at the meeting so the BOD had to appoint the position.

Do your bylaws grant the board the authority to do that?

The BOD appointed the member, now since we did not have a quorum how are they able to change bank signer designees?  We have not had a quorum in 3 months to approve any of the minutes.  We thought you had to take approved minutes to be able to change signers.  Any advice?

So how does this usually work? You give the bank the minutes which show that the person was elected? If so, wouldn't it be the board's minutes they'd be interested in this time?

I don't see how the general membership's minutes will be helpful at all. If there hasn't been a quorum in months, the minutes won't say much (if you're doing it right).

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