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Lay on the table

Guest Leewill40

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How many times can a topic be tabled to the next meeting?


None.  If the intent is to take it up at the next meeting and the next meeting will be within a quarterly time interval, it may be postponed to that meeting.  It may be postponed again when it comes up at that subsequent meeting......and again....


See FAQ#12  http://www.robertsrules.com/faq.html#12


Edited to add the FAQ link

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What Mr Mervosh is saying is that it is improper to table to the next meeting. It happens to be one of the most common mistakes that people make in conducting a meeting though. You need to postpone indefinitely the tabling to the next meeting.(I am making a joke that says in essence kill the whole tabling to the next meeting thing.). Being serious,  postponing to the next meeting is what you need to do.

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