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How many times can the same motion be brought up and voted on.

Guest JP

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Our organization meets twice a year.  If a motion is made and passes/fails when can it be brought up again as a "new" motion/business?  This organization only has one business session twice a year not several at each meeting.  The meetings are in the spring and at our fall convention.  The officers are elected at the fall and serve for two years.  So basically one year is the fall and then spring meeting in that order(if that is pertinent).  Since we try to follow RROO but are not perfect we need a guideline of some sort to follow.

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If a motion is made and passes/fails when can it be brought up again as a "new" motion/business?

Well, regardless of whether it passes or fails, it can be "Reconsidered" at the same meeting. But that word has a very special (and often confusing) meaning in RONR so let's put that aside.

If the motion fails it can be made again (as if it had never been made before) at any subsequent meeting.


If the motion passes it can't be made again but it might be possible to "amend" (change) it or "rescind" (revoke) it at any subsequent meeting as long as whatever action the motion authorized hasn't been completed (e.g. you can't un-paint the clubhouse).


This organization only has one business session twice a year not several at each meeting.

What's the difference between your "business sessions" and your "meetings"?

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