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bylaw changes

Guest Debbie Bizal

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A member has sent some proposed bylaw changes that she wants the board to consider. I have asked her if it was from her or a group of people. She will not name any other names. Our bylaws says changes may be proposed by board or the membership. Since a motion requires a 2nd to be voted on does a proposed bylaw change need to come from a committee or at least 2 people? Does the word membership mean one person??

Thanks for your help,


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It is up to your organization to interpret its own bylaws as to what is meant by "proposed by the membership".  I interpret it to mean that any member may propose a bylaw change.  Proposing a bylaw change, or even giving notice that she intends to introduce the bylaw change at the next meeting, does not constitute actually introducing the change.....i.e., making the motion.


If and when she actually makes the motion for the bylaw change at a meeting, it will  then require a second.


By the way, your post is not real clear as to whether this person is a member of the board and it also isn't clear as to whether the board or the membership actually has the final say on bylaw changes.   In other words, you haven't told us much about the procedure.   Why must the board consider the changes?  If the board must first approve a bylaw change, and if this person is not a member of the board, all she can do is to ask the board to consider her amendments.  Or, if I understand your process correctly based on your limited facts, she can give notice that she intends to introduce the changes herself at a general membership meeting and then do so at the next meeting, following whatever procedure your bylaws set up for bylaw changes.

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Without seeing the exact words of your bylaws, I am loath to pronounce infallibly on your question, but (given that you paraphrased them correctly) I see no requirement that the board has any authority over amendments "proposed...by the membership".  Any such proposals would just be sent to the members (presuming a notice is required) for consideration at the next meeting.

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