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no minutes to present

Guest Julie

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What is the procedure if the secretary resigned prior to the next General meeting and did not present the meeting minutes from the prior meeting.  Basically, no one else has the prior meeting minutes to be able to duplicate them?

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Someone (or a committee) should be assigned the task of drafting (i.e. re-creating) the minutes.


You might also consider not accepting the resignation of the secretary so you can instead boot her out of office. And maybe even expel her from the organization. Tar and feathers is probably not an option but it wouldn't hurt to mention it.


By the way, this forum works best if you ask your new question as a new topic (think of this as "Julie's topic") even if you find one that's similar.

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Sorry on the post...I am not really sure how to present a new topic as I am new to these forum communications.  I thank you for helping me with this question.  I could not find an answer in all my searches under Robert's rules or in any google result.


The secretary resigned due to personal regret (best way I can say it).  Basically, he will not be back even if we do not accept his resignation.  The last thing he would probably do is to produce the minutes for us, I have already asked a few times with no response.


I asked other members about remembering what went on, but that was 2 months ago and no one really could come up with anything.  I do not think there were any motions and/or votes taken, so it would have just been a minor informational meeting.  Just do not have the attendence record, which may be the most important item from that meeting..:<)


I was not sure if there was a procedure to basically accept the "no minutes presented" at our meeting tomorrow night.

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I was not sure if there was a procedure to basically accept the "no minutes presented" at our meeting tomorrow night.


You'll need to eventually approve minutes for that meeting but if, as you say, no motions were made, the minutes might simply record that the meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM and was adjourned at 8:00 PM. There's no need to record attendance.


There are sample minutes in RONR. 


All you can do is the best you can do.

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I asked other members about remembering what went on, but that was 2 months ago and no one really could come up with anything.  I do not think there were any motions and/or votes taken, so it would have just been a minor informational meeting.  Just do not have the attendence record, which may be the most important item from that meeting..:<)


Then the minutes will be very short. If there were no motions, the minutes would look something like this. (This is a condensed version of the sample minutes in RONR, 11th ed., pgs. 472-473.)


"The regular monthly meeting of the L.M. Society was held on Thursday, January 4, 2015, at 8:30 P.M., at the Society's building, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. 
The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M."
RONR doesn't require that the attendance be recorded in the minutes.

I was not sure if there was a procedure to basically accept the "no minutes presented" at our meeting tomorrow night.


There's nothing to accept yet. The chair should announce that there are no minutes from the previous meeting, and suggest appointing a committee to recreate the minutes. Since it seems that won't involve very much, perhaps it can be a committee of one. When those minutes are ready, they will be approved at a meeting (prior to any other minutes).

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Thank you to the both of you for your input...I greatly appreciate your comments and advise.  


Sounds like the best and easiest thing to do is just put them together myself ( I am the president/chairperson) and basically state the start time of the meeting, where it was held, note that the original minutes were not presented by the secretary and state the end time of the meeting.


If this doesn't sound correct, then please let me know.


Thanks again for your time, it is appreciated!

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Sounds like the best and easiest thing to do is just put them together myself ( I am the president/chairperson) and basically state the start time of the meeting, where it was held, note that the original minutes were not presented by the secretary and state the end time of the meeting.


If this doesn't sound correct, then please let me know.


Skip the part about noting that the original minutes were not presented by the secretary and I think you're good to go.

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