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Secretary ProTem

Guest OpenMindedMember

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I don't see the problem.  The recording secretary is the one who should be taking and signing the minutes.  That's the job of the recording secretary.  The only reason for electing a secretary pro tem is to have someone to take the minutes when the secretary who normally takes the minutes is absent.  If he or she is present, there is no need for a secretary pro tem.

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What happens if a secretary pro tem is not selected in the absence of the secretary?

Let me add there is a recording secretary present. With that being said, is it necessary 

to select a secretary pro tem in the abscence of the secretary?

In the general use of the term, the Recording Secretary is, by definition, the person who takes the minutes, so this question doesn't really make any sense.

Does "Recording Secretary" mean something different in your society?

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