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Amendment to the Constitution

Guest Matt

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Our Clubs Constitution Reads that "only Members who have been in good standing with the club for 1 year prior to election may run for an executive board position" My first question is. Is this pretty standard?

We have a member who does not meet those requirements so he brought a petition to the board with 10 signatures asking to amend the Constitution so that members who have been disciplined in the last year be able to run for an Executive Board Position.

2nd question. Does the Board have to approve the amendment and present it to the membership for a vote? Or can they simply not approve the amendment?

3rd question is. Can a member petition to amend the constitution for personal gain.



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It sounds as if you have some relevant bylaws for this question, and bylaw interpretation is outside the scope of this forum.  The procedures in RONR prescribe only that, if an organization has both a Constitution and Bylaws, the Constitution should be harder to amend than the Bylaws, and the default amendment procedure for Bylaws is a 2/3 vote of the assembly with notice, or by a majority vote of the entire organization.  If there are no provisions given for amending the Constitution, the vote required would be the same.  There is no petition procedure, and the board has no role in the process.  However, if your Constitution and Bylaws provide otherwise, you need to follow those.


It isn't uncommon to require a set period of membership prior to running for offices.


No rule prevents a person from making any motion, including giving notice and later moving a bylaws proposal, that benefits them.  No rule prevents the assembly from voting no, either.

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Our Clubs Constitution Reads that "only Members who have been in good standing with the club for 1 year prior to election may run for an executive board position"


It isn't uncommon to require a set period of membership prior to running for offices.


Since RONR doesn't define "running" for office, it's best if the bylaws stipulate the requirements for serving in (and/or being elected to) an office.

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