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Does it say they can't? I can't find that either.

Apparently they can do what they want.

I'm wondering, though, why the mover and seconder would immediately leave the meeting before discussion begins.

The rule is that once the motion is stated by the chair, placing it before the assembly, it doesn't matter who comes and goes, as long as a quorum remains.

But it sounds like you're saying the motion was moved at a different meeting than the one it will be discussed and view on. It doesn't change the answer, but if that's true, why?

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The two properly submitted the motion electronically. I "stated" it when I posted it to our Forum. But when we meet this Friday to discuss it (no possibilities of secondary motions, just discussion), the mover can't be there. Then it will go to online vote next week. (I know, ours is a very strange solution - it's an aberration. But I'm making progress in it.)

I would just like to know if in RONR a mover technically needs to be at a "normal" meeting. From what you're saying, once I have stated it, he doesn't. Does that come from just an interpretation of the sequence of the process? A rule? Just common sense?

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Our process is quite improper. Created before I arrived. I'll try to get them to make it more proper, but they still say it operates on RONR. So now what I do is ask what is normal, and try to fit it into our mess. I'll get a consultant to advise us on how to fix it as soon as I can. I have gotten referrals already thanks to others on this forum.

I've discussed this mess many times here. Feel free to check out my other threads. And thanks for your help.

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If motions are made electronically, stated by the chair by posting them to a forum, and then discussed and voted on at a meeting, but one in which no secondary motions are allowed, you can rest assured that, as far as the rules in RONR are concerned, the presence or absence of the "forwarder" or seconder of a motion is of no consequence whatsoever. 

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