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Board members not following by-laws

Guest Michelle

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We have a Board of Directors that , by majority vote, reversed an earlier decision to expel a member for conduct un-becoming and will allow 

this expelled member reinstatement to the organization.


My question: What action, if any, does the membership have or course of action can they take against the board members that over-turned the expulsion?


The general membership is outraged and at a loss as to what recourse they might be able to take.


What can we do?

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I'm going to have to do  little more investigating.   The by-laws state that if you get dismissed from the volunteer department, you cannot be a member of the benevolent organization.  This is a volunteer fire department.


Not sure if an application was re-submitted.   I must get more data. 


Thanks.  You'll hear from me soon

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The data I would suggest getting would be the questions I asked.  Others may have other suggestions, though - in general, take theirs over mine.  


Volunteer fire departments usually have their own disciplinary procedures which differ significantly from RONR.  They also often have appeals processes involving governmental bodies.  How is the department structured - does it have its own bylaws separate from those of the benevolent organization, are they the same organization, or is the department a municipal department not using parliamentary procedure?  I've seen all of these - and I've also seen organizations that are confused about how they're structured.  


Another question - when you say the Board, what is it the Board of?  The department, the benevolent organization, or is it a Board of Fire Commissioners, which often has the ability to reverse disciplinary actions of the department?

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The decision to expel a member cannot be rescinded according to RONR.

The member would have to reapply for membership by the same process as a new member.


Yeah, but mind what The Godelphian just said about superceding rules and institutions.


Guest_Michelle, take a look at Official Interpretations 12 and 13; and as for the Board itself, FAQ 20.  And maybe some others, there's a short list for each.

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