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Must He Recuse Himself???

Guest Anne

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We  have a sitting board member whose brother-in-law (who also sits on the board) may be facing  charges due to a criminal investigation into park finances. If charges are in fact laid against his brother in law some people are saying he also would have to step down off the board. Is this in fact true? How can he be blamed for the actions of his brother in law???

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5 hours ago, Guest Anne said:

We  have a sitting board member whose brother-in-law (who also sits on the board) may be facing  charges due to a criminal investigation into park finances.

If charges are in fact laid against his brother-in-law,

some people are saying he also would have to step down off the board.

Q. Is this in fact true?

How can he be blamed for the actions of his brother in law?

It is FALSE.

There is nothing in Robert's Rules of Order which automatically makes a board member (or general member) recused.

There is nothing in Robert's Rules of Order which implies that a party who sits on a board must resign due to a family member being arrested (or being under investigation).

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My own brother, the fellow fruit of my parents's loins, is a college graduate; do you think it would be fair for you to hold that against me?  When my credentials as a college drop-out are unimpeachable?


N. B.  I am writing using a figment as a nom de plume (or a nom de plume as a figment, I'm not sure which is which), I can't face up to owning in public that I have a relative who is a college graduate.  I should recuse myself.  I never shoulda voted for Trump (we shoulda kept him on the island).

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22 hours ago, Guest Anne said:

We  have a sitting board member whose brother-in-law (who also sits on the board) may be facing  charges due to a criminal investigation into park finances. If charges are in fact laid against his brother in law some people are saying he also would have to step down off the board. Is this in fact true? How can he be blamed for the actions of his brother in law???

Whether the board member can be blamed for the actions of his brother-in-law is more of a philosophical question, but so far as RONR is concerned, the board member would not have to step down even if he was the one facing criminal charges. Resignation is a voluntary act. If the board wishes to remove him against his will, it will need to review its bylaws, and possibly applicable law (it sounds like this may be a public body). If both of these are silent on the subject, see Ch. XX of RONR.

The board member also does not have to recuse himself, but RONR says that a member should abstain from voting on any question where he has a personal or pecuniary interest not in common with other members. If this is a public body, applicable law may also say something on the subject.

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4 hours ago, Guest Nancy N. said:

My own brother, the fellow fruit of my parents's loins, is a college graduate; do you think it would be fair for you to hold that against me?  When my credentials as a college drop-out are unimpeachable?


N. B.  I am writing using a figment as a nom de plume (or a nom de plume as a figment, I'm not sure which is which), I can't face up to owning in public that I have a relative who is a college graduate.  I should recuse myself.  I never shoulda voted for Trump (we shoulda kept him on the island).

You're just jealous that he hasn't shared his college degree with you, so now you have to think for yourself in order to be taken seriously.

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