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interim board members

Guest ken

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34 minutes ago, Guest Nancy N. said:

So, Ken.  It looks  as if your president thinks that he,himself, is the board of directors.  Do you buy that?  It looks as if none of use here does.


(I wrote the above before seeing Mr. Brown's characteristically magisterial reply. I'm just wondering now what his next step is.  But I suppose he can handle that himself.)

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I thank you for your answers, but the question of the secretary still exists. She resigned from her position but then was appointed to the same position. I believe our bylaws prohibit this..

6. A member may resign from the Board at any time by sending a letter to the Club. If their resignation is received verbally; the Club will send that member a letter stating that their resignation has been accepted. A Board member cannot be reinstated to that position.


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2 hours ago, Ken said:

I thank you for your answers, but the question of the secretary still exists. She resigned from her position but then was appointed to the same position. I believe our bylaws prohibit this..

6. A member may resign from the Board at any time by sending a letter to the Club. If their resignation is received verbally; the Club will send that member a letter stating that their resignation has been accepted. A Board member cannot be reinstated to that position.


It is ultimately up to your organization to interpret its bylaws and to decide whether appointing the secretary to her recently resigned position amounts to reinstating her.

I am assuming she was appointed by the proper body, which I believe you have said is the board. If the board was supposed to make the appointment but she was appointed by the president, then her appointment is not valid unless the board ratified the appointment.

Those little things make a big difference.

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3 hours ago, Gary Novosielski said:

In fact, they do not even have the right to show up.


1 hour ago, Richard Brown said:

Huh? Who does not have the right to show up? 


50 minutes ago, Gary Novosielski said:

"Interim members" improperly appointed by the president.

Well, yes, IF they were improperly appointed by the president.  I don't think we know that for a fact. Ken has not told us definitively who (or which body) appointed these three board members despite several requests.  He seems to think it doesn't matter who made the appointments, but it makes a huge difference.  He seems now, after 25+ comments, to be of the opinion that those "interim" members do have the right to vote, indicating to me that  he believes they were properly appointed by the board.

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21 hours ago, Richard Brown said:

Well, yes, IF they were improperly appointed by the president.  I don't think we know that for a fact. Ken has not told us definitively who (or which body) appointed these three board members despite several requests.  He seems to think it doesn't matter who made the appointments, but it makes a huge difference.  He seems now, after 25+ comments, to be of the opinion that those "interim" members do have the right to vote, indicating to me that  he believes they were properly appointed by the board.

I was going by the bylaws quote that said the remaining board, not the president, could fill vacancies.  But I won't assert that this is by any means clear. and it seems the more information we get the less clear it is.

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OK...So the board accepted the presidents picks..So with this the bylaw ( 6. A member may resign from the Board at any time by sending a letter to the Club. If their resignation is received verbally; the Club will send that member a letter stating that their resignation has been accepted. A Board member cannot be reinstated to that position) is not held up? It was also understood that those positions were deemed interim until those positions could be permanently filled.

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I doubt that any of your officers or directors who are selected to fill an unexpired term  are actually interim numbers. An interim number normally serves by appointment only until a special election can be held. But when a person is selected to fill the unexpired term of a member who died or resigned, that new member is not an interim number but is a full, regular permanent member just the same as every other number. The position IS permanently filled at the time someone is selected to fill it for the remainder of the term.

I think your organization would do well to get rid of this interim designation. It appears to me these people are not interim directors or officers but are permanent Directors & officers serving until the expiration of the original term.


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1 hour ago, Ken said:

I understand that. But what about the secretary that resigned and now has the position. To me this means our bylaw means nothing

Ken, I responded to that question several comments ago. We cannot answer that question for you. It is a matter of interpreting your bylaws, which is something we do not do on this forum. Each organization must interpret its own bylaws.

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Ken, do you realize that these two topics (quoting you, right below) are entirely different, though related, subjects, and that no attempt to discuss them together will be coherent?

7 hours ago, Ken said:

So with this the bylaw ( 6. A member may resign .... A Board member cannot be reinstated to that position) is not held up?


7 hours ago, Ken said:

It was also understood that those positions were deemed interim until those positions could be permanently filled.

So we should stop.  I propose that if we want to discuss "interim" board memberships further -- and, ever Pollyannish, I am hopeful that it would be fruitful to try, though painful -- we do it here on this thread; but for anything at all about the secretary's putatively improperly replacing herself, open another thread for it.  Please, Ken, would you do that?

And posters, please go along with this request.

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On 2/6/2017 at 6:22 PM, Ken said:

OK...So the board accepted the presidents picks..So with this the bylaw ( 6. A member may resign from the Board at any time by sending a letter to the Club. If their resignation is received verbally; the Club will send that member a letter stating that their resignation has been accepted. A Board member cannot be reinstated to that position) is not held up? It was also understood that those positions were deemed interim until those positions could be permanently filled.

Well, being "deemed interim" is not something that RONR deals with.  The word "interim" appears only once in RONR and only in connection to interim reports.

Presuming (perhaps generously) that

  • The resignations were properly tendered and accepted
  • The board is empowered to fill vacancies created by resignations
  • The board did properly fill the vacancies, albeit upon recommendation by the president

Then, if the rules in RONR apply those persons appointed are members, and adjectives such as "interim" or "permanent" are misleading, of no effect, and inappropriate.  These new members would serve for the unexpired remainder of the terms of their predecessors, with full membership rights including the right to vote.


So that's where I'll leave it.

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