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Standing Committee Question

Guest Lisa

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2 hours ago, Guest Lisa said:

If a standing committee has been in existence for over 5 years, can board members or the president alone add to that committee without the permission of the existing committee members?

The answer depends on two or three factors. First, how was the committee established? Was it established by the bylaws or was it created by the society by means of a subsequent motion? Second, is the size of the committee specified? Third, who or what body is authorized to appoint the members of the committee?

If the size of the committee is fixed in the bylaws, then you are stuck with that until you amend the bylaws. If the committee was created by the society by means of a motion to create the committee, and the motion fixed the size of the committee, then the society itself can change the size of the committee by adopting a motion to do so.

If the size of the committee is not fixed by any rule or motion, then the person or body who appoints the members of the committee may appoint as few or as many members as it so desires.

As to replacing the members of the committee, rather than adding additional members, the person or body who is authorized to make appointments can also remove and replace members unless there is a contrary rule in place.

The existing committee members should not have any control over the appointment of new members. Their permission is not needed unless you have a very strange rule in place. The committee doesn't "belong" to the committee members. It "belongs" to the society. The society, not the committee members, determine  who is on the committee.

Note: if by some chance the motion that created the committee named the people who are to be members of that committee, then those members can be removed or replaced only by amending that motion.


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