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Yielding the floor

Guest Annony

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The president should be impartial and should not participate in debate or do anything else to favor one side or position over another. He must maintain the appearance of impartiality. If he wants to take a position or participate in debate, he should yield the chair to the vice-president until the item under consideration has been completely disposed of.

Edited to add: once  a motion has been made and seconded, the president has a duty to state the motion to the assembly and open debate on it.

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2 hours ago, Guest Annony said:

I guess my question is what if the president refuses to give the floor to the person who wants to bring forth the motion?

Have members raise a point of order that a motion has been made and seconded and must be put before the assembly. If the chair refuses to do so, appeal from the ruling of the chair. If the chair remains obstinate, he can be removed from presiding at that meeting by a two-thirds vote. If all else fails, you may have to do as Mr. Huynh suggested and remove him from office and elect a new president who will follow the rules.

Edited to add: if the president refuses to recognize someone who is properly trying to obtain the floor to make a motion, raise a point of order to that effect.

Edited by Richard Brown
Added last paragraph
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10 minutes ago, Guest Annony said:

I understand how the procedure works after the motion is made,

I'm asking what if the president refuses to allow the motion to come up at all?

If they do not give anyone else the floor to raise the motion.

Your first recourse is Robert's Rules of Order, namely:



The appeal puts the decision in the hands of the members present, out of the hands of the chair.

If your chair does not respect #1 and #2, then your second recourse is:


This may involve disciplinary procedures: suspension, expulsion, etc.


Q Where are you in terms of "steps already tried" (and failed)?

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57 minutes ago, Guest Annony said:

I understand how the procedure works after the motion is made, I'm asking what if the president refuses to allow the motion to come up at all? If they do not give anyone else the floor to raise the motion.

See the last paragraph of my last post above, which I added immediately after first making the post. It seems you didn't see it. Also, Mr Goldsworthy correctly answered your question.

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8 hours ago, Guest Annony said:

I understand how the procedure works after the motion is made, I'm asking what if the president refuses to allow the motion to come up at all? If they do not give anyone else the floor to raise the motion.

See RONR, 11th ed., pgs. 650-653 for the subsection "Remedies for Abuse of Authority by the Chair in a Meeting."

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