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abusive language at meetings or by Chair on phonecalls


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In a meeting the formal route is for any member to raise a point of order, but also look at chapter 20; the  latter assumes that some member, not the chair, is misbehaving, but you can get an idea of remedial steps from it.   Move to censure the chair might be one, majority vote.  Move to remove the president from the chair for the remainder of the meeting - takes a 2/3 vote.

When you say "phone call" did you mean a private call, or a meeting being held via telephone?  The latter might not be proper but In either event, hanging up might do the trick.

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Thank you both for the replies.  I will check out" Remedies for Abuse of Authority by the Chair in a Meeting" in RONR 11th ed., starting on page 650, and Chapter 20, and yes, it was a private phone call and I hung up.  The first outburst occurred at a meeting when I, as a member of the Commission, requested permission  to discuss a report I thought the commission would be interested in. The second abusive outburst occurred on a private phone call he made to me,  about a response I made to our recording secretary, sending him a copy of the response. Yes, I hung up on him.  I am concerned about our future meetings at our meetings.  Thanks again.

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