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membership override of board vote

Guest davelaporte

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What is the process to reverse a board's motion at a general meeting.


In this case the board denied general membership for the sole reason that the members may not agree with the board's position in a not for profit association.


Can the motion be brought to the general meeting as first order of business to get the decision reversed by the general membership

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12 minutes ago, Guest davelaporte said:

What is the process to reverse a board's motion at a general meeting.


In this case the board denied general membership for the sole reason that the members may not agree with the board's position in a not for profit association.


Can the motion be brought to the general meeting as first order of business to get the decision reversed by the general membership

It depends on what powers the board is granted in your bylaws. 

If it is possible, the motion would be to rescind. 

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The motion was defeated to accept 2 people as general members.  Never in the history of this association has a general membership been denied.  It is essentially an application to the board that is rubber stamped.  The board is controlled by a corrupt group that does not want opposition.


Does the motion at the agm have to come from the originator or seconder at the board level or from any general member with an appropriate seconder?

Thanks for your time and input.

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1 hour ago, Guest davelaporte said:

The motion was defeated to accept 2 people as general members.  Never in the history of this association has a general membership been denied.  It is essentially an application to the board that is rubber stamped.  The board is controlled by a corrupt group that does not want opposition.

Does the motion at the agm have to come from the originator or seconder at the board level or from any general member with an appropriate seconder?

As previously noted, the general membership has the authority to overturn the board’s decision in this matter unless the board has exclusive authority to accept members.

Assuming the membership has the authority to accept the members, any member may make or second the motion to do so.

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Just now, Guest Who's Coming to Dinner said:

Of course, the next battle will be against the board's claim that they control the agenda of the general meeting and their refusal to put such a motion on it.

I agree that might well happen. However, I don't think we have enough information to know if the board has overstepped its bounds, so we don't know if it's a board that tends to do things like that or not. We've only heard one side, and we don't know the powers of the board yet.

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