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write-in candidates campaign


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My question is about procedures that are allowed or should be followed by someone who is being written-in as an alternative candidate choice. Our bylaws and standing rules are silent on write-in candidates.  Since RONR is our parliamentary authority, we allow them in ballot votes, but until now no write-in has ever submitted a resume to consider before the vote -- a practice that is historically followed by actual nominees.  I have searched throughout RONR and can see nothing that speaks for or against this practice.   

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RONR has no position on resumes being submitted by nominees, so you should not expect to find anything for write-in candidates. However, in most cases, write-ins occur at the time the ballot is submitted, so there is no opportunity for written or oral statements made by those voted for as a write-in. I suppose it's possible for a member to indicate prior to the election that he or she would accept a position if elected as write-in and to circulate a resume to that end, but again, you won't find any reference in RONR for or against that.

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3 hours ago, BaileyPoo said:

My question is about procedures that are allowed or should be followed by someone who is being written-in as an alternative candidate choice. Our bylaws and standing rules are silent on write-in candidates.  Since RONR is our parliamentary authority, we allow them in ballot votes, but until now no write-in has ever submitted a resume to consider before the vote -- a practice that is historically followed by actual nominees.  I have searched throughout RONR and can see nothing that speaks for or against this practice.   

“Votes can be cast for any person who is eligible for election, even if he has not been nominated.” (RONR, 11th ed., pg. 439)

Do your bylaws require submission of a resume in order to be eligible for office, or is this merely a custom?

Edited by Josh Martin
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Despite my earlier comment, the practice of having nominees submit resumes is actually fairly new.  It's neither a bylaw nor a standing rule; instead the practice was suggested two terms ago (4 years) when an unusually high number of members ran for office and has continued ever since.  However, submitting or not submitting a resume isn't really the issue.

My primary concerns were (1) the impropriety, if any, of write-in candidates sending their resumes to the membership and (2) whether or not RONR addresses write-ins in any way other than that a space for them be included on ballot votes.  Sounds like the answer is, "No" for both and that's fine.   


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